Ecoute et Decouvre - Le Chantier

This cute little sound book for Larousse was a big jump out of my comfort zone! A good one! To be honest - I have never illustrated a digger before. Or a bulldozer. Or a crane as a matter of fact. In this book, I got to illustrate all of these machines. Plus a steam roller. In the end I had so much fun working on this project! I guess you just never know :-)

Cover Larousse mockup 1.jpg
01 LeChantier_gettingup PREV.jpg
02 LeChantier_building site PREV.jpg
04 LeChantier_building site PREV.jpg

Knihu Poďme objavovať Slovensko už môžte podporiť na Startlabe

Posledné mesiace mimo priestory ateliéru veľmi nežijem, no kniha, na ktorej som po celý čas pracovala, je pre mňa dôležitá a výnimočná. Vytiahla zo mňa úplne všetko a ja teraz len dúfam, že tento post nebude patetický od vrchu až po spodok.

Keďže roky pozorujem nedostatok pekných pôvodných kníh pre najmenšie deti u nás, rozhodla som sa aspoň trochu prispieť ku zmene a vytvorila som veľkoformátovú obrázkovú knihu (board book) o Slovensku. Keď som bola malá, trávila som nad takýmito knižkami hodiny a hodiny a budem rada, ak sa mi pomocou tejto podarí podobné zážitky priniesť dnešným deťom. Kniha má 32 strán a prostredníctvom veľkých farebných ilustrácii si skupina zvieracích kamošov na čele s prasiatkom Oliverom zacestuje od Bratislavy, cez Banskú Štiavnicu, Bojnice, Vlkolínec, do Vysokých Tatier, na Spišský hrad, do kúpeľov, jaskýň, či Slovenského raja.

Knižka je dnes už hotová, no na to, aby sme ju mohli vytlačiť a vydať, potrebujeme Vašu pomoc.
Podporiť nás môžete na ➡️…/580-podme-objavovat-slovensko-il…/ ⬅️
Prostredníctvom Startlabu si knižku viete predobjednať už teraz a doma ju budete mať takmer okamžite po tom, ako sa koncom októbra vynorí z tlačiarne. Veríme, že bude spolu s ďalšími užitočnými odmenami pekným vianočným darčekom pre malkáčov aj veľkáčov.

Nakoniec mi nedá nespomenúť ľudí, bez pomoci ktorých by kniha dodnes ležala na dne šuplíka. Moje kostrbaté texty učesala Vik Marcinova, človek, ktorý detskými knihami žije a dýcha. Grafický dizajn mala na starosti šampiónka fontov pre deti Martina Rozinajová. Korektúr sa obetavo ujali pozorné oči Mimy Fedorovej a za dohľad nad projektom ďakujem Daniela Šicková. Zuzana Mitošinková vďaka za ochotu a cenné rady a pomocné ruky Johanna, Zuzana a Duro boli pre mňa po celý čas nedoceniteľné.


OBALKA 1.jpg
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DVOJSTRANA banske muzeum.jpg
DVOJSTRANA kupele.jpg
Podme_objavovat_Inside red_Page_Vlkolinec.jpg

Poďme objavovať Slovensko book off to print tomorrow

This is the last sneak peek of the book that I have been working on for a while. In my next post, I hope to finally show the cover and few spreads, yay! We are sending this baby off to print tomorrow and then I guess I will crawl somewhere in the woods to just run and hibernate to get over the waiting anxiety. Keeping my fingers crossed!


Getting there!

I am so excited about this book I don't even know where to begin! This is going to be such a wonderful and colorful collection of my childhood memories, I can't wait to send it off to printers and have it published. I have finally decided to go ahead and try to get on the path of self publishing. By far, I have no clue what it will bring and how will I be able to cope with all the issues it may bring. But it makes me really happy to create it and I will be keeping my fingers crossed for the book to make others (well especially the little ones) at least equally happy! Will try to post the updates more often the following weeks!

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Alice in Wonderland on Sketcher!

It is always so nice when people notice your work somewhere online. It just gives one a feedback for all the efforts that all illustrators put into promotion, social media and blogging. Here is my work for Yoyo Books, the legendary story of Alice in Wonderland, on Sketcher.

My work finally on Behance!

I was so much behind on this - I just couldn't get myself to finally create web galleries of my illustrations and book projects. But now I made it! Hundred years after all my creative friends went online, I finally joined the Behance world and am so excited to get feedback from fellow creatives and browse all the wonderful projects out there. See you there!

Montreuil Book Fair 2014

I know, I know! It's starting to feel like I am doing a Tour de European book fairs this year (I actually might be doing it as I think about it, haha!). Anyways, I've been really busy last few weeks and then right after I met all the deadlines I had to, I jumped on the plane and together with my wonderful illustrator friend Daniela Olejnikova (check out her work at we took on to Paris (ah oui...). Daniela was actually invited by the Literary Centre to take part in some workshops with children and to present her work in front of quite a few publishers who seemed interested in what she does. I decided to go ahead and join her, because I always feel I learn a lot when I travel, meet new people and try to do the illustration business outside my own country.

As for the Montreuil book fair (, I have to say I really liked it and enjoyed it. For an illustrator, it just feels more welcoming than Frankfurt Buchmesse, although I still think Bologna Book Fair offers the most opportunities of all the European fairs I've been to. Montreuil is aiming purely on the children's and young adult market. And it does so with the help of illustration, so it seems like the right place to be for an illustrator. However, the approach is a bit different from the others. You register on the website to get a professional admit and then somehow, you're supposed to sign up for the meetings with the publishers (note: there are only French publisher available for appointments, but they do speak English, so don't be shy, heh), which are scheduled really tight. Now, I might sound a bit dumb, but I really was not able to figure this out. I could not even find an English version of the site, aaaaaah. Well, I do realize that sometimes it is not that easy to get around France (and French) without any knowledge of their language. I do have some knowledge, but it seems like it still wasn't enough. Anyways, now I know what Mice is, be sure you look for that when you enter the website and don't speak French. Watch out for the registration date for the publisher appointments (I've spoke to some illustrators while waiting in line and was told the site fell down immediately after the reg started) and hope for the best. Have some knowledge on what you're aiming for. Know the publishers. Don't be depressed if you did not get a spot with Thierry Magnier, when your place might rather be with Milan. Montreuil book fair will still be a great experience, even though you might feel that the market competition is just overwhelming (the place for publisher appointments really looked like a speed-dating spot). Just have the courage, grab your books and portfolio and go. It's fun! And it's in Paris! Ha!

Before I finish this little blog, I would really like to thank the wonderful people at the Ecoles de Conde in Paris. I was able to be a part of the conference they held for Daniela and another great young illustrator from Lithuania, Karolis Strautniekas ( and it just felt so welcoming. I would like to thank especially to the professors, Francois and Isabelle (sorry if I misspelled the names, aaah) who invited us for dinner in their own home. Thank you!


Here is a blog they keep at the school:

Oh and one more thing - or rather a tip - if you ever find yourself going to Paris and are on a budget - be sure to check out a charming little hotel called Hotel Stella -, it is in the heart of Paris with lots of restaurants and cafes around and you won't spend a fortune staying here. It really is a great little place!

Getting ready for Frankfurt Bookfair!

Hello again! This year, I've decided to take part on the Frankfurt Buchmesse, which, at least so I've heard, is the biggest book fair in Europe. I've been trying to prepare as best as I could. Mostly, I have used my experience from the previous Bologna bookfair visits. Here is my blog on the Bologna preparations, in case you'd like to take a closer look at it:]

I figured it would be best to bring some brochures with my illustrations and, of cours, contact details, so the publishers could reach me if they like my work. Also, I reprinted some of the postcards I had in Bologna and added new ones as well. There is my email address, cell number and website link on the back of the card. I really hope I'll be able to reach as many publishers as I can. Keeping my fingers crossed! Will keep you posted on how it goes!

PS1: I'm taking my sister with me to help! Ha-ha!
PS2: How do you like the cards? I'm really pleased with the printer job!